hollywood's official submission platform for



Screenplay/Pilot Script
Short Film Or Web Series

How It Works

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Add Synopsis
Optional Video Upload/Record Pitch
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Guaranteed Response

Not To Brag, But…

“You did a really fantastic job with the website. It is such a cool format and intuitive to work with.”

Mandalay Pictures

“This is a great thing you all are doing.”

Lawrence Bender Productions

“Great process so far and some interesting ideas!”

Warner Brothers

“I thought the site was very easy to use and the pitches ran very smoothly.”

Participant Media

“We found some pretty fascinating projects this year. Thanks.”

Dana Brunetti Productions
pitch festival

Word On The Street

“I can’t express enough how pleased I’ve been with your service. I completely understand how busy execs are, especially this time of year in so many cases. I appreciate all that you do and your service is exceptional. I’m extremely grateful for the opportunity you provide to connect with VIPs. Again, my deepest gratitude!”

Chastity Lively

“Great responses to my projects from your VIPS, guys! The best site for pitched projects on the Internet today, as I have had four top companies, agencies ask for my completed scripts and hopefully will be in negotiations with two of them!”

Osayande Baruti

“Happy to share our news on landing distribution with Fun Little Movies for our boomer humor web series Adventures in Staying Young With Pam and Joan. Thank you so much!”

Hester Schell

“Greenlightmymovie.com is a great opportunity for writers to connect with execs in innovative ways. I’m already working on my next video pitch so I can submit to other execs.”

Jan Stanton

“Greenlightmymovie.com has been nothing less than stellar. I’ve gotten great feedback and I’m currently under review by a very fine agency thanks to a submission here.”

Jim. P. Richards

“Just wanted to say thanks again – Vuguru requested my script. UTA left the door open to me as well. I have to admit I was a tad skeptical about this service but it’s the real deal and I appreciate what you’ve done for me.”

Gwen Butler

“Thanks to you guys, a few agents showed an interest in my project. I ended up making a terrific contact with Elkins Entertainment. I really couldn’t have done this without Greenlight. This site has really restored my hope after feeling the industry was totally closed off.”

A.L. Patterson

“We got some great notes from the CW network and they were quick to respond. Thank you again for this great service.”

Mike Feurstein

“I recently uploaded a short video for my horror script and am happy to report that responses have been very helpful with good advice. One thing I have definitely noticed is that projects with videos get better reviews than projects with just a synopsis. I look forward to continue using the service here because I feel like success isn’t far away.”

Aros St. Pan

“Greenlightmymovie gave me the opportunity to submit a short trailer to production companies. This way, I could submit something polished to the companies, who then can review it. In all my dealings with you, I’ve found you to be highly professional. Plus, I’ve made some highly valuable contacts in the business.”

Bill Osinksi

Hollywood Buyers and Representatives

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