Fashioning an effective synopsis is an art unto itself, requiring one to boil down a script’s myriad elements to their bare essentials and present them in a manner that prompts the reader to respond, “Show me more!” With over 20 years experience, we can help you perfect your existing 1-3-page synopsis, delivering a potent marketing tool for your TV or movie project.
Your ability to answer the question “What’s it about?” in a way that is concise, compelling and evocative will factor significantly into your future as a professional screenwriter. Why settle on a mediocre response, when we can help you craft a killer logline for your project!? Includes 15-minute Zoom.
Get career advice, expert feedback and/or pitch your project verbally to your choice of company VIP in a one-on-one Zoom meeting. Your opportunity to meet Hollywood buyers and reps online.
Grab a company rep's attention by submitting them the first 10 pages of your script, book or pitch deck for their review. Includes written feedback and the real possibility they could be intrigued enough to request the full project.